Enter The Gungeon Galactic Medal Of Valor
Enter the Gungeon cheat sheet wiki - A quick reference guide for checking. The site and Dodgeroll have patched a few things and suddenly Medal of Valor is B. Tynon is a unique hybrid of RPG and RTS. As goblins storm across a torn land, it’s up to you and a band of heroes to restore balance to the kingdom. Guns Used: Disintegrator, Huntsman Shotgun, Scrambler Items Used: Double Vision, Litchy Trigger Finger.
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65 commentsGuns Utilized: Disintegrator, Huntsman Shótgun, ScramblerItems Used: Increase Eyesight, Litchy Trigger Finger, Mind blowing Chance, Shadow Bullet, Galactic Medal of ValorCooldown Modifiérs: BallotSubscribe for more awesome content - me on Twitch - @HuttsLPTWITCH: 3PMeters Central WEEKDAYSOptional Weekend break StreamsMERCH: Sushi Murderer - Zora Feedback. Related video clips.